Intro by Alana:
One of my favorite human beings is surely Dr. Michelle Robin. Dr. Michelle is an international speaker, best-selling author, radio host, and practicing chiropractor. She is the founder of Your Wellness Connection, P.A., one of the nation’s most successful integrative healing centers. Dr. Michelle also consults with businesses and non-profit organizations developing wellness programs. She has spoken on improving individual well-being as well as creating a culture of wellness to a wide variety of companies, organizations, and conferences across the US and Canada.
Join me in welcoming my wonderful friend, Dr. Michelle Robin, to CLC!
“You Raise Me Up” by Josh Groban. Guest post by Dr. Michelle Robin
You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be
–Josh Groban, “You Raise Me Up”
Songs can be so powerful, and I love Josh Groban’s message in this song. For me, it is clear that the “You” he is singing about can be a Divine Force, but it can also be a friend. I know in my own life that I need help from others to “stand on mountains” and to “walk on stormy seas.” Groban’s imagery of mountains makes me think of working for a new goal, but that of stormy seas makes me think of those rough times in our lives. In both cases, we need other people and they make us stronger.
Networking allows us to gather people around us and form a tribe. We offer support to our tribe and are supported by them. But one of the difficulties of networking is that it so often revolves around food, especially coffee and lunch. Because we want the networking opportunity, we compromise our healthy habits and can wind up making unhealthy choices that don’t support our goals.
Three tips to make networking healthy:
- Have go-to coffee and lunch places. I live in the Kansas City area, so I love going to Simple Science Juices or Loft for “coffee.” These spots allow me to get a cold pressed vegetable juice, but also serve other drinks for my friends. I also have a couple of favorite lunch spots, like t.Loft or Cafe Gratitude that serve healthy, gluten-free food that I know will nourish me and all of my friends. All the food tastes great, so no one will leave feeling deprived.
- Research before the meeting. If I have not had the chance to suggest one of my go-to spots, and I am meeting at a restaurant or coffee shop that has been chosen for me, I go online in advance and read through the menu. I will even call the restaurant to ask questions about a specific dish or how they work to avoid cross-contamination in the kitchen. When I arrive, I know exactly what I will order, and I’m able to focus on the networking meeting.
- Have a walking meeting. Instead of meeting for a drink or a meal, have a walking meeting. It is easy to walk and talk to build connections, and walking allows you to avoid the dilemma of food choices and get some exercise into your day.
Go network and build your tribe with people who make you stronger, but make sure you keep your health goals in sight while you climb the mountain.