2013 is upon us! Time to come up with our new year’s resolutions. This year, let’s make a pact to stick to ‘em! So, here are mine… hope you will adopt a few of them with me. I RESOLVE… to connect with at least five new contacts every week. I RESOLVE… to re-connect with at […]
Month: December 2012
Hola from the Galapagos Islands where I am vacationing with my family. What an amazing trip! Truly, I don’t even know where to begin to share this experience. We have already taken thousands of pictures and, in the next couple of weeks, I hope to put together a photo book that tells the story. Over […]
Tomorrow is a BIG day! Time to celebrate the launch of my book, Coffee Lunch Coffee: A Practical Field Guide for Master Networking! Please join me! If you plan to be in Kansas City (just to be clear… it’s on Tuesday, December 11, 2012), please come to my OFFICIAL BOOK LAUNCH PARTY! It’s being hosted […]