In 2016, following my son’s bar mitzvah, I penned a piece, “Wishful vs. Wistful.” It was a cathartic expression of my boundless pride coupled with a deep sense of grief at the conclusion of such a momentous event and rite of passage. Now, five years later, Marc and I are getting ready to send our […]
Month: August 2021

Travel with Friends
My family loves to travel. We’ve been ‘round the world and don’t intend to stop anytime soon. One interesting approach to travel that we enjoy from time to time is traveling with friends. It’s a great way to capitalize on common interests, to spend more concentrated time together, and to enjoy unique experiences – memories […]

Spend Time with People Who Inspire You
On one of the 52 suggestions in her new card deck, “52 Well-Being Snackables,” Dr. Michelle Robin suggests, “Spend Time with People Who Inspire You.” The galaxy of possibilities may include family, friends, pets (dogs are people, too, right?), wellness professionals, spiritual leaders, and/or co-workers, among others. The challenge, of course, is to figure out […]