I’m a natural problem solver. It’s inherent. If someone describes a challenge they are facing, I swing into action trying to “fix” whatever the problem is. Sometimes, they are not even talking about a challenge, but simply raise a topic about which I know something about or have experience and I start dishing, giving advice, […]
Month: August 2022

Get Inspired
A friend recently lamented that she was feeling uninspired. She said she was bored at work, didn’t have any plans or projects to look forward to in her personal or professional life, and, frankly, the weather was getting her down. Harrumph! As gently as possible, I suggested it was time to get inspired. Understanding that […]

Invest in Relationships
Do you have anyone in your life who you only ever hear from when they need something from you? Do you cringe when you see the phone ring and their name shows up on caller ID? When they email or text, do you open the message? Do you respond? Are you the person in question […]