Listen up! Recently, I shared tips with you about the importance of flattering lighting in order to look your best on video conference calls. Today, I want to continue this line of thought by moving on to another important feature of video calls – that is, audio. Who among us has not struggled to hear […]
Month: September 2020

RBG: A Woman to Emulate
In networking and in life, it is important to connect with people you admire – people who you seek to emulate. Throughout my life, I have been the fortunate recipient of love and encouragement, championship and support, protection and trust from a host of mentors, advisors, advocates and protectors. In each of these incredible people […]

The Age of Enlightenment
For the history buffs among us, you know the 18th century intellectual movement, commonly known as the Age of Enlightenment, was founded on the belief that better societies and better people could be created based on the use of reason, the scientific method, and progress. Well, we’ve entered a new Age of Enlightenment – not […]