This afternoon over coffee, my friend, Cindy, commented that, like me, she immediately knows when two of her contacts need to know one another. She says it is simply intuitive. It led to us discussing what about our respective personalities enables this ability. I had to chuckle as a now-funny memory came to mind… The […]
Month: April 2015
Walk & Talk
A few weeks ago, my friend, Dana, asked if I wanted to get together for coffee. It’s always a treat to see her – our conversations run a wide range of topics from family to education to careers to training to leadership to you name it! So, of course, I gave an enthusiastic, “YES!” When […]
EnCorps45: Connecting and Advancing Encore Professionals
One of my areas of interest while president of Kauffman FastTrac was helping Baby Boomers realize their entrepreneurial dreams. At that time, according to the 2011 Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity, the percentage of firms created by Americans ages 55 to 64 grew more than any other age demographic. And, in fact, we were watching […]