No matter how crazy life gets, how challenging certain situations become, how harried I sometimes feel, all I need to do is pause, take a look around, catch a glimpse of my amazing family, friends and associates and it hits me: I live such a blessed life. On this date, in particular, I always feel […]
Tag: Friends
We Are Not Enemies
I’m guessing that about half of the people reading this post are not only bleary-eyed from a long night of watching the Election results roll in, but also deeply concerned and/or very angry about the country’s presidential selection. Others of our readers are elated and feeling victorious. If you will, allow me to focus not […]
Dine Arounds
At a meeting late last year of an organization of which I’m a member, one of my colleagues commented that while she is glad to know the other members of the group, it’s been difficult to really get to know one another beyond a cursory connection due to the nature of the programs and activities […]