In honor of Veterans Day, today’s post is dedicated the men and women (and their families) who have and do serve our country. Thank You for your unfailing commitment and devotion to our great nation! Introduction from Alana: Today, please welcome retired U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Col. Rob McClary, PhD, to Coffee Lunch Coffee. Rob […]
Tag: Innovation
Stand on Ceremony
In our society, there are certain standards of etiquette we are expected to abide. For example, we say “please” and “thank you,” as appropriate; perhaps an “excuse me” is warranted when we bump into someone or want to get by. In the U.S., we often look one another in the eye, say “hello” and shake […]
Write It Down
I received a newsletter today from an organization that I do business with. The cover story was titled, “Put it in Writing.” The article itself focused on legal means for defining business relationships for long-term success. It got me thinking… Why write? Or, more specifically… Why blog? Why journal? Why make lists? Succinctly put, writing […]