It’s November… and, for anyone who regularly follows Coffee Lunch Coffee, you know that means we abandon our standard operating procedure of blogging once a week and, instead, post every day! By tradition, Coffee Lunch Coffee participates [loosely] in National Novel Writing Month – or NaNoWriMo for short. So, for the fifth year running, CLC is in!
The Coffee Lunch Coffee approach to NaNoWriMo is a slight departure from the standard rules for the month… you won’t receive 1,667 words each day toward the end goal of a 50,000 word novel. However, what you can expect is 30 posts… daily ideas, tips, tricks and tools for building more meaningful, more authentic professional connections.
And, once again, I’ve enlisted several friends to help – thought leaders in a number of disciplines – to contribute some of their best work to the CLC community. As you will soon read, and no doubt agree, this month will be better as a result of the dialogue they will help to generate. I am grateful to them in advance.
Please join me in that conversation. Your ideas, thoughts, stories and experiences would be most appreciated in the comments section of the blog posts. It’s going to be a great November, CLC Community. Happy 5th Anniversary!
Congrats Alana on kicking off your 5th NaNoWriMo year of blogging. I’m excited to be along for the ride with my own 30 days and 30 blogs on Thanks for inspiring me to take on this incredible challenge. Cheers!