I’ve heard it said that the “world is flat” and “it’s a small world, after all.” Indeed, the world seems to be getting smaller as we become a more global community. Here’s what I know for sure: Beyond careers and politics and trade agreements and taxiing children to and from after-school activities and the hustle and bustle of daily life lies an important foundation – that of basic human decency. We should and must treat one another with respect and, I hope, kindness.
Coffee Lunch Coffee is all about creating meaningful, authentic relationships – long-term and mutually beneficial in nature. At the heart of the matter is one person’s offer to another, “what can I do to help you?”
It is in that spirit that I call upon my fellow citizens of the world to reach out to one another. To speak your truth. To not remain silent in the face of arbitrary and detrimental policies and “executive orders” that are morally bombastic and just plain wrong.
My father came to this country on a boat after leaving the “displaced persons” camp in Germany where he was born following World War II. Grandparents on one side, though they spoke not a word of English, worked hard to provide for their family, establish and run a successful bakery and live the American Dream. On the other side, my great grandparents brought skills with them from an older country – one serving as a garment tailor, another the proprietor of a fruit stand… you get the picture. Though their accents were heavy and their knowledge of a new land was limited, they saw the promise of a free and democratic society. They came to this country not to hurt it, but to contribute to it. I don’t think that basic tenet has changed.
So I ask you this, dear members of this CLC Community, reach out to a friend and fellow immigrant. With the exception of our Native American brothers and sisters, we all came here from somewhere else. Let’s continue to celebrate this nation of immigrants and free ourselves from unfounded, irrational bias and misunderstanding. Let’s set aside our suspicion and skepticism to reasonable limits and assume that like my parents, grandparents and great grandparents – and like yours – most humans are, in fact, decent and honorable and working hard to make it in this life. G-d Bless America. And, of course, Happy Networking.