Introduction from Alana:
Today, I’m delighted to introduce my friend, Linda Formichelli, to the CLC Community. Linda has been a full-time freelance writer since 1997. If you’re marketing like crazy and getting nowhere, you’ll want to check out her upcoming Volume Marketing Challenge for Freelance Writers. During this fun, intense challenge, each week you’ll dig-in to a different type of marketing to reveal the one that will get you the most freelance writing assignments. I’m excited to be both a podcast guest for the program and an affiliate. Though Linda’s particular focus is on serving other writers, I believe her approach can be useful for anyone in business — not just freelance writers. Be sure to check it out… Registration is open!
With that, I give you Linda Formichelli…
Guest post by Linda Formichelli
You’re spending hours each day posting on Twitter…canvassing freelance job boards…updating your LinkedIn profile… sending pitches…building your mailing list…posting to your blog…and even more.
So where are all the writing gigs?
The problem is, you’re doing too much! Use these tips to focus on the right marketing instead of all the marketing.
Do less…Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.
Do more…targeted social media on your most effective platform.
Many of us scatter our energies doing a Facebook post here, a LinkedIn article there, and a Twitter reach-out way over there — and we wonder why clients aren’t clamoring for our services. It’s hard to stand out among thousands of other people when you’re posting on several platforms just a few times per day each. Those feeds scroll by pretty fast!
Instead, focus your efforts on a single social media platform. Just choose the one you feel most comfortable with and that fits your business, and really work it. This is called Volume Marketing, and it works.
Do less…old-school business card-swapping networking.
Do more…reaching out to build relationships.
Have you ever arrived home after a networking event with a handful of business cards you wished you hadn’t taken? Your prospects have, too. Instead of playing “who can meet the most people fastest,” try creating a bit of value for every person you meet. This may not be as efficient as speed dating your way to a pile of business cards, but it is definitely more effective in terms of building relationships that may turn into writing opportunities.
Do less…email pitching, phone pitching, snail mail pitching.
Do more…of your one favorite type of pitching.
When you jump from an email pitch to a phone pitch, from a copywriting pitch to an article pitch, it dilutes your energy — and your results. Instead, pick a niche. Pick a format. And have at it.
For example, maybe you choose to focus on sending email queries to health magazines, or call pet product manufacturers to offer your copywriting services. Doing just one thing:
- Keeps your head from exploding from the possibilities.
- Gives you an opportunity to improve your pitching.
- Makes it easier to analyze your results.
- Allows you to blanket your chosen target market with well-written, well-aimed pitches, giving you a greater chance at freelance writing success.
How about you…have you ever felt overwhelmed by all the different types of marketing you could be doing, or figured out what your one best marketing form is? Please share your experiences in the comments at
Alana, thanks so much for inviting me to guest post for you! I’m thrilled to be here. Am sending out this link as part of a round-up of my recent guests posts to my subscribers, hopefully soon!