I’ve rarely used this column to talk about matters of faith, but I feel compelled to lightly toy with the concept now. On a recent Friday night, my family and I attended sabbath services at our synagogue for the first time in more than 14 months as in-person congregating was eliminated due to the pandemic. Mind you, though very closely tied to the Jewish community, we are not what I would refer to as regular attendees at services. That said, it felt significant to actually walk into the sanctuary versus watching or listening to prayers delivered via Zoom. In fact, Rabbi Glickman and Cantor Ben-Yehuda made light of the situation saying, “in case you are unfamiliar with it, this is a synagogue. And, yes, we are actually here, talking with you in person in 3D – not via Facebook Live in 2D!”
Everyone chuckled. I felt surprisingly emotional about it. At long last! People can gather, in limited quantities, still masked despite new guidance from the CDC regarding vaccinated persons. It felt like coming home. We even said special prayers marking the occasion – one blessing people who we had not seen in 30 days or more; another blessing people who we had not seen in over a year. It struck me: This was not merely connection in 3D. This was connection in 4D – the fourth dimension in this case not having to with space-time, but rather having to do with that spiritual well-being so many of us have longed for over these last many months.
Please understand, this is not a piece about religiosity. I make no statements about religious doctrine or practice. Instead, this is about spirituality and connection. Whether you worship God, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, a variety of gods, Mother Nature, or no deity at all, I’m guessing that the spiritual uplifting you will get from reconnecting with people who you have missed seeing since before we were relegated to isolation for health and safety will do your heart and soul some good.
Happy Networking!
Yes! Each new instance of reconnecting in person with friends is food for the soul. Your experience was a beautiful one. And whether the moment is big like that with many others at a place of worship, or one to one at a coffee shop with a friend, I’m grateful for these uplifting moments.