Take One More Step: A Simple Practice for Greater Efficiency

In corresponding with others, we often find ourselves in a constant stream of back-and-forth communications that could be easily avoided with one simple practice: taking one more step before asking for assistance or information. This concept is straightforward but powerful. Instead of stopping at the point where you need input from someone else, take a […]

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Generations: Who Thinks About What and Why

We’re living in an unprecedented time in human history. For the first time, six distinct generations are actively participating in our society, each bringing unique perspectives shaped by the events, technology, and social changes that defined their formative years. From the Silent Generation (1925-1945), who witnessed the aftermath of World War II and the birth […]

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Keep Your Cool, Find Your Voice

Effective communication in our daily interactions isn’t just about conveying information—it’s about building and maintaining relationships. When tensions rise and frustrations mount, how we communicate can make the difference between strengthening professional bonds and damaging them irreparably. One of the most crucial skills in professional communication is managing our emotional responses. When frustration builds, it’s […]

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