Everybody needs a Happy File. It’s a repository of items that come to you, often unexpectedly, that make you feel, well, HAPPY! I’ve had a Happy File since I entered the workforce full-time more than two decades ago – if you don’t already have one of these treasure troves, I recommend you get started right […]
Tag: Achievement
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Lately, I have been learning a lot about perseverance from my nine-year-old son. On two recent, distinct occasions, in situations during which I would have thrown in the towel, Ian failed to give up and went on to achieve success. If you will bear with me, I would like to summarize for you the scenarios […]
I was at an event last week where my friend, Cindy, gave a short talk. She opened by asking, “How many times have you set a goal for yourself and the moment something didn’t go as smoothly as you had planned, you immediately experienced self-doubt and seriously questioned your ability and even the goal itself?” […]