People, women especially, do a poor or mediocre job, at best, of introducing themselves. Either we say too little, thus undercutting our value, or we say way too much and come across as pompous, arrogant and narcissistic. I’ll never forget, several years ago when my friend, mentor and then board chairperson, Lesa, told me that […]
Tag: Connections
The Power of a Great Coach
Allow me to boast for a moment. Over the past year, I’ve lost 30 pounds. Nope – it’s not a type-o. I’m 30 pounds down since April 2015. It’s a very personal achievement that has left me feeling healthier and stronger and ready to take on new challenges. The weight loss is the result of […]
Secret Formula for Making Connections
Introduction from Alana: Recently, two friends introduced me to the super-high energy, DJ Waldow. Several emails, two Skype calls and one podcast later, I’m lovin’ this former KC-guy who now lives in Emerald Hills, California – I have no idea where that is, but it is close enough to the Emerald City that I liked […]