Every now and then something happens to completely re-energize us in ways unexpected around a topic we may have tamped down to the back of our minds. For me this week, that topic is ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Now, don’t get me wrong, entrepreneurship is and has always been a really big deal to me. In fact, ever […]
Tag: Entrepreneurship
Figure It Out
Introduction from Alana: Today, it’s a pleasure to introduce the amazing, high-energy, fun and brilliant Kate O’Neill Rauber, Communications Consultant and Founder of KOR PR. She is an entrepreneur and communications expert who consults to companies, big and small, to assist with their PR and marketing efforts. It was a “tall” order, but given her […]
EnCorps45: Connecting and Advancing Encore Professionals
One of my areas of interest while president of Kauffman FastTrac was helping Baby Boomers realize their entrepreneurial dreams. At that time, according to the 2011 Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity, the percentage of firms created by Americans ages 55 to 64 grew more than any other age demographic. And, in fact, we were watching […]