Last week, I was invited to guest blog for a great company, Creelio, whose philosophy is that every business leader should be heard. The digital experts at Creelio help their clients to develop content and to create a social media presence that reflects their clients’ authentic voices and shares their unique perspectives. I love what they are doing, so it was a privilege to share some thoughts on how their customers could make their best first online impression. You can read the full article on the Creelio site; below is an excerpt… Enjoy and Happy Networking!
Networking Like an Expert: Tips to Manage Your Digital Reputation
[Excerpt from guest post originally published on, July 6, 2015]
When establishing one’s personal brand, it is critical to manage your digital image and reputation with the same rigor that you do your in-person persona. Below are three tips for ensuring your digital brand upholds the reputation you hope to achieve:
- Google Yourself. Chances are high that you have “Googled” others and that others have Googled you, too! To ensure you’re making the right impression when this happens, Google yourself. Whether your search engine of choice is Google, Bing, or another brand, be sure to look through at least a couple of pages and sets of images. You will want to know what others are learning about you when they conduct a search of your name. If nothing shows up that is actually about you, you probably have some work to do to establish an online presence – this can be done simply by posting comments to various blog sites and having a current LinkedIn account (more on that in a moment). During your search, if something shows up that you are not proud of or pleased with, make note of it. In some cases, you may be able have it removed. This process varies search engine to search engine based on that organization’s terms and conditions. For Google specifically, you can visit the support page for more information about the take down process.
- Maintain Your LinkedIn Profile. It is important these days to have a complete and up-to-date LinkedIn profile, as it ascribes credibility and relevance to you as a business professional. You can expect your profile to be viewed by prospective clients, business partners, employers and general contacts. That means the information must be current and accurate with a professional headshot (no selfies, please!) and loaded with keywords that point to the type of work you do, what industry you’re in, what your professional interests are, and the like.
- Blog and Comment on Blogs. One of the best ways to stay informed and to share with others the topics/concepts that are important to you is through blogs. By reading other’s blogs, you will stay worldly and in-the-know on a variety of topics. And, by commenting on others’ posts, you will stay in the loop and top of mind with the types of contacts you want to be in front of – your engagement in the dialogue ensures you become a member of their community. On the flip side, if there is a topic or area in which you are particularly well versed, personally/professionally interested and that can establish you as a subject matter expert, I recommend that you strongly consider creating a blog of your own.
For networking success, be sure to diligently manage your online reputation. It’s easy to do if you follow these simple rules. And, if you have ideas for managing your personal brand online, please take a moment to share your thoughts and comments with the CLC Community at