I find that when there is a task at hand, especially when the stakes are high or there are deadlines looming, I perform at my best when I get focused and get into the “zone.” For me, it helps to have a goal and a vision for what the end game looks like. Tactically, I […]
Month: November 2019

Y is for You
What is the most important factor in networking? Who is your most important connection? You are! If you are going to bother with networking, if you are going to put in the time and to make the effort, bring your whole self to the table. First, decide that you are a great networker. This is […]

X is for X-Factor
Math is beautiful. It helps to bring order to our world and is surely the most universal language. I’ve been fascinated with numbers my whole life and rely on them as I bring analytical thinking to my daily operations. As such, it should come as no surprise that I believe that it plays a role […]