It was a special day. I had two seriously awesome networking meetings – one over lunch; another for afternoon coffee. In both cases, time absolutely flew by… lunch, originally scheduled for up to an hour and a half, was cut short at two hours. I told my afternoon contact that I had to be in my car on my way to another meeting no later than 5pm; at 5:20pm, I raced to my car! During both meetings, I was privileged to participate in wonderful, deeply meaningful, bi-directional conversations.
Ironically, in both conversations the same topic was raised – frankly, I am not sure how we arrived here but my companions both said, “You know, the problem is most people simply don’t listen.”
And so, my question to the CLC community: Do you listen?
My lunch date, Kirsty, shared a really interesting concept with me – it is something she picked up while visiting with someone she met standing in line at an event. The two got to talking; it was a real, genuine, authentic mutually inquisitive conversation – they felt a strong connection with one another. Kirsty’s new friend thanked her after the discussion for really listening to her. She said, “You know, the problem is most people simply don’t listen. Instead, they are in a waiting mode: Waiting for whoever is talking to stop so they can share their own interests.”
After Kirsty shared this notion with me, we had a great discussion about the generous nature of listening; of inquiring about others; about learning how we can be of assistance to one another.
Later, I met up with Dan. We had a great, lively, energetic discussion. Again, I heard these words uttered, “You know, the problem is most people simply don’t listen. Instead, they are perpetually in broadcast mode. Announcing this and that to the world. Even when they pray, they are broadcasting to some higher being, petitioning for forgiveness, or help, or mercy, or healing, or something similar.” Like my conversation with Kirsty, Dan and I proceeded to have a terrific dialogue about the importance of stillness, quieting the mind, really listening – to others and to ourselves.
Both Kirsty and Dan gave me a lot to think about. I left the two meetings energized, inspired and ready to listen – to really listen – to others in order to determine how I may be of assistance, how I may help to advance their goals, how I might engage with the universe. As such, I’m calling for a listening campaign. As we enter this holiday season, won’t you join me to take time with others in the community to hear what they have to say? I hope you will. Looking forward to hearing from – and listening to – you!